A chilling coolness clenches your body as the early morning fog sweeps gently over a pristine freshwater stream. The smell of gum-leaves burning under a blacken billy-can and bacon cooking crisply on a bush barbecue. The silence of the morning is broken by the ripple of the water as a large rainbowfish breaks the surface and seizes a damselfly in flight ...

Welcome to Australia and the "Kangaroo Rainbowfish Tour" - containing more than a hundred pages of information on Rainbowfishes.

To continue the tour just "Klick" on the Kangaroo and hop around the website. You can return home at any time by clicking on the map of Australia or complete the "walkabout" until you return home. So just sit back and have an incredible journey ... a journey into the rainbow dreamtime.

Follow the Kangaroo Home of the Rainbowfish